How to : Enable Multimedia Suport in Ubuntu 7.10.

Ubuntu is one of the widely used GNU OS which is considered as Newbie friendly . But still there are few things to work .. Here is a small/quick guide that will let you enable Playback for any type of Audio/Video files.. Since most users get baffled after they fail to play media files. So I thought of posting a guide which will let you play every Media files like DivX,Real Media,AC3,MPEG4 to name a few .. So lets get started .
Before I start I would lets do some basic settings..

1’st we have to enable repos..

Go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources . Check all the unchecked options under Ubuntu Software , Third Party Software, Updates. After that it will ask you to relode the package stats so that latest repositories can be added in the database for installation of the necessary software.
After the relode done you will be prompted to update your system . It is necessary to update your whole system before installing any software..
So I think you are done till now.. Considering system is updated lemme me now start with installing codecs and media players..

Note: In this guide I prefer installing components from terminal but you can always use the good old Synaptic Package Manager and Add/remove Programs..

Audio Playback Support

There are lots of media player out there from which you can choose your own flavor .. but I am focusing on the best right now. So in this Tutorial we will install Amarok …To Install Amarok Open Terminal . Main Menu -> Accessories -> Terminal .Now type this in Terminal

sudo apt-get install amarok

Amarok is basically a KDE backed player but since its the most feature rich loaded with clean interface so I choose Amarok though you can install Gnome based players like Exaile, Banshee, XMMS [Winamp Alt.], Listen or the pre-insalled Rythmbox.

To install Gnome based players..

sudo apt-get install exaile
sudo apt-get install banshee
sudo apt-get install xmmms
sudo apt-get install listen*

Now since you have installed much of the Audio Player now we should head forward and install codecs so that these players work without any problem…
There are mainly 2 codec pack that are maily used in GUN OS..

  • Gstreamer : – This GStreamer plugin supports a large number of audio and video compression formats through the use of the FFmpeg library.GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data.Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related.Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins.

Gstreamer is maily used for Gnome based OS and Ubuntu will recommend you install this by default…

To install every plugin of Gstreamer do this in Terminal

sudo apt-get install gstreamer*

After you have installed Gstreamer all the above mentioned Player will work like charm while playing Media files..

  • Xine : Xine is mainly meant for KDE based players . but being a good set it is recommended that you install Xine Codecs.

To install Xine do this in Terminal

sudo apt-get install xine*

Xine will install its own Video Player which will let you play Video files.. Its interface is pretty similar to that of Power DVD …
Now we have finally installed all the codecs necessary playing media files .. Now we should continue installing Video Players and few extra codecs…

Video Playback Support

Considering you have installed Xine too we will use Xine-Ui as our primary Video Player but we will learn to install other players tooo..
There are few other players that will let you play Video files in full swing like VideoLan (VLC) , Mplayer or use the pre-installed Totem Movie player..
To install these players do this in Terminal

sudo apt-get install vlc-nox
sudo apt-get install mplayer
sudo apt-get install xine-ui

Restricted Format Playback Support

After this you will able to play all the media files in case your player fails to play few restricted formats like DivX, Real Media, MPEG4, Ac3 .. do the following in terminal..

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Now add these lines at the end of the editor.. Since Ubuntu did not have these formats in repo’s we’l have to add these as Media Ubuntu has these in heir repo’….

deb gutsy universe multiverse
deb-src gutsy universe multiverse

After that type the following command

sudo apt-get update

This will relode all the latest info that about the repo. that you added …
For Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Users run the following command

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

Now you need to copy the key using the following command

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add –

Update the source list using the following command

sudo apt-get update

Now install the codecs by doing this

sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2

Now you are one you are now able to view all the Media files .. So enjoy Tuxing and do update the system regularly

Regards Ds

10 Responses to “How to : Enable Multimedia Suport in Ubuntu 7.10.”

  1. How to : Enable Multimedia Suport in Ubuntu 7.10. « Tux Enclave. Says:

    [..]Ubuntu is one of the widely used GNU OS which is considered as Newbie friendly . But still there are few things to work .. Here is a small/quick guide that will let you enable Playback for any type of Audio/Video files.. Since most users get baffled af…[..]

  2. Mike Says:

    Good guide. Rather than recommend XMMS, which has essentially halted development (except for a small, recent update), Audacious Media Player would probably be a better choice if you need XMMS- or WinaAmp-like functionality. It’s being actively developed, and it works much more smoothly than XMMS, in my opinion. It supports WinAmp skins, has oodles of plug-ins, and is pretty elegant.

    It’s in the repos, but I can also write up a guide, if necessary, that details how to compile the latest version.

  3. Dark Star Says:

    ^^ Yep Audacious is also nice 🙂 Note : Edited the guide changed the heading and added Audacious:)

  4. elnamo Says:

    thank you for the guide

  5. rahimveron Says:

    Thanks a lot 🙂 Gr8 guide helped me a lot 🙂

  6. Unix-Tutorial Says:

    [..]Ubuntu is one of the widely used GNU OS which is considered as Newbie friendly . But still there are few things to work .. Here is a small/quick guide that will let you enable Playback for any type of Audio/Video files.[..]

  7. sanjeev Says:

    this is really very comprehensive guide n will certainly help u.thanks a lot……….

  8. abhishek Says:

    great help for beginners like me. kudos!

  9. sunil Says:

    hi…i followed all your steps in making the music players play mp3 files…but i didnt succeed. when i open the file with any music player mentioned above, it just doesn’t respond(the player window gets dark)…i installed gstreamer, mpg123 also…now i have no clue what else to do…can you please help me? thnx in advance

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